About Our Studio
We’re Facepunch, an independent, self-published game developer based in Birmingham, UK.
We made Garry’s Mod and Rust, two of the most popular Steam games of all time.
It was Garry’s Mod that kicked it all off in 2004, becoming one of the first indie games on Steam in 2006. Then Rust came in 2013, releasing officially in 2018. And then Chippy in 2019. And S&box soon…
We try to be player-first and learn from what you tell us.
We don’t have conventional management and try to avoid BS - the team decides together what’s best for the game. We expect to fail, learn, and improve. We build our games and community relations for the long-term. We think we have a pretty open, collaborative, and welcoming work environment and we’re now about 70 people and growing - we have a lot more that we want to do. We’re PC-first but are interested in other platforms and VR.